
Humans waiting to be!


I search my stories with these influences that leave you certain places and situations, some news too.I am also looking for nature resulting from water ,material flora ,to reflect on and marvel at for me ,prompting me and bowing to appear in my actons as a painter.The characters are very often used, necessary for the movement as a whole.Nature and man in a dynamic, a complementarity, a questioning. so where are we going now?Because through them, it is humanity that marks time for change!Man must forge social and moral exchanges in order to give in all his expression, his representation, the need to love and share.A link that makes humans come together in society.
I advance in my work, this is important for me, exploring the possibilities of a montage of movements in several scenes to place them together and in a kind of continuity, the world on the move!


2004-2005 FORMATION D'ARTS APPLIQUES- Fausse-matières et trompe-l'oeil NICE, France
2004-2005 STAGES SCULPTURES - Pierre-Modelage et Patine sur bois Alpes-Maritimes, France
1979-1980 BEAUX-ARTS Etude de nus- Cours du soir AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France
1979-1980 ATELIER LIBRE- Huile et acrylique sur nature morte, portrait et nu AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France

The artist at work

Artist value certified: Mchartrie's works have been evaluated by an independent expert.

Certification 2019 : €800.00
Certification has been established by Jacques-Armand Akoun on Dec 2, 2019.
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Solo Expositions

2024 Exposition CHATEAU CHALON, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

2023 Exposition CHATEAU CHALON, France

2020 Exposition Médiathèque Intercommunale Sellières, France

2019 Exposition La boîte de Pandore Lons le Saunier, France

2019 Exposition Chateau-Chalon, France

2012 Exposition Galerie les Salines Lons-le-Saunier, France

2010 Exposition Château Salle voutée Tourettes-sur-Loup, France

2010 Vente aux Enchères Stal-Expert Espace de Nesle Paris 6e, France

2010 Exposition Salle les Urssulines Buis-les-Baronnies, France

2009 Exposition Chapelle Ste Marguerite Cabris, France

2009 Exposition office du tourisme Aubignan, France

2009 Exposition office du tourisme Embrun, France

2008 Exposition Chapelle Ste Marguerite Cabris, France

2008 Exposition Chantoiseau Briançon, France

1997 Exposition Galerie Rivier'Art Grasse, France

1993 Exposition Grasse, France

Collective Expositions

2024 Art en Seille Bletterans, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

2023 11eme fêtes de Estampes Auteuil sur Roi, Paris, France

2023 Exposition SELLIERES, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

2021 Exposition Foyer Rural Château-Chalon, France

2019 Salon Maison Décoration Parc-Expo Montbéliard, France

2016 Exposition Peinture-Céramique Château-Chalon, France

2015 Exposition Galerie Origine Fontaine, France

2010 Salon Maison Décoration Parc-Expo Colmar, France

2009 Exposition Maison de la Principauté Orange, France

2009 Exposition Chapelle des Pénitants Pernes-les-Fontaines, France

2008 Exposition Centre Culturel Vaison la Romaine, France

2007 Salon Trompe-l'oeil et fresque Nice, France

2006 Courant d'Art La Tour D'Aigues, France

1996 Exposition Château Salle voutée Tourettes-sur-Loup, France

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